
Thomas Down


Genome browsers

[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

Technologies align

[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

Let's try it out

[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

What is DAS

[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

What is CORS?

[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

More data...

[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

How does this fit DAS?

[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

The binary solution

[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

Binary Dalliance

[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

Dalliance in the future

[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]


[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]